Most of the extensions are stopped working or just spam about the automation of Facebook message delete So I made 2 Imacros scripts to automate the process. It will wipe out your inbox in few minutes.
Quite easy to use. You need to install Imacros in your browser. You can use any browser Chrome or Firefox. I prefer chorme for a smooth process.
Download the Imacros here.
If you don’t know how to install Imacros plugin, then you can simply google it. I don’t want to make this thread long to read.
Now you need to import 2 scripts in your Imacros. Or you can just edit the default bookmarks in Imacros. Just replace the code with my code.
After importing the scripts Open messenger, and then go to the All Conversations page.
Here you need to just run the script in a loop. Set the loop value to 100 and relax it will wipe out your inbox.
If one stopped working then run the other script, and then after 100 loops again run the first script.
Click here to download the scripts.

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